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Pseudo-Intellectual musings by a pseudo-intellectual person.
American Religious Opinion
Published on February 19, 2004 By
Note the bottom four in the right chart. Heh heh.
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on Feb 19, 2004
I don't know whether to laugh or cry.
The stats only re-inforce the thought that maybe a large group of 'Americans' are becoming a vast schizophrenic/anxious society eating paxil and other drugs because reality and the 'stories' don't mix.
I would be interested in seeing each word of the poll defined. Hmm, what about EVIL? Oh wait, isn't that supposed to go in between HELL and the DEVIL? Or would it be near WITCHES?
Religion and politics, flip sides of the same coin.
Sir Peter Maxwell
on Feb 19, 2004
I don't believe in any of those things if I am honest.
People who feel the need to believe in a god are weak minded individuals who need to believe that there is a higher power guiding their lives, they can't face the reality that you are entirely responsible for your own success or failure. If something bad happens to you then that is simply probability and not the devils work!
Sir Peter
on Feb 19, 2004
I believe in God and it is you Sir Pedro Markwell.
Santa Satan, right ? Heheh.
on Feb 19, 2004
Ah, the naive masses.
as if Moses parted the Red sea... sorry to be a cynic here... but the Jews have faced tougher crap since being enslaved by the egyptians i.e. the haloucaust... where was a 'Moses' type savior then???
sorry... i know some of you out there may find that offiensive... but if God is going to go around granting unearthly powers to people in times of crises, he would want to be consistant.
on Feb 19, 2004
People who feel the need to believe in a god are weak minded individuals who need to believe that there is a higher power guiding their lives, they can't face the reality that you are entirely responsible for your own success or failure. If something bad happens to you then that is simply probability and not the devils work!
Let's not forget that liberals are also limp-wristed panzies who can't face the reality that people are entirely responsible for their own successes and failures, so they want the government to play daddy. And drug-users take drugs because they are too weak to face reality.
I always find it funny how atheists always believe they're smarter, stronger-minded, etc. than others simply because of a difference of beliefs in one single thing. What's also funny is that science really doesn't back up the theory that life came about on its own. When one thinks about that, one can honestly say that atheism is only for the simple-minded who only believes in what he can see. At least agnosticism makes no judgment either way.
on Feb 19, 2004
Meesy - I always find it funny how righteous beleivers are always having a go at non-beleivers... when they should be compassionate etc. like 'their' God taught them.
I dont consider myself smarter or stronger willed than someone because they are a beliver... I just dont need religion to validate my existence.
Whats also funny is that NOTHING backs up the theory that God created the earth other than a crap load of heresay.
you have just been owned by a 'limp wristed panzy'
Name calling wont get you anywhere.
on Feb 19, 2004
Whats also funny is that NOTHING backs up the theory that God created the earth other than a crap load of heresay.
Does that change the fact that science pretty much shows that life can't come about on its own? No. BAM!
I dont consider myself smarter or stronger willed than someone because they are a beliver... I just dont need religion to validate my existence.
No, you need drugs. How is that any better?
Name calling wont get you anywhere.
Yet, it's all right to call people naive and ignorant because of a belief in god. As if atheists are somehow not because they think they're science experts because they don't believe in deities.
on Feb 19, 2004
Liberals believe in God too. They believe the government is an all knowing, all powerful being.
I try to be consistent, I don't believe in any of those things.
on Feb 19, 2004
Righteo Messy...
leave a piece of cheese out... i am sure it will develop mould, a living organism, all by its OWN!!! dont get into arguments regarding the creation of life, because simply, its something I dont understand, and YOU dont understand it either, so dont pretend you do.
I dont need drugs. I choose to use them - the same as anyone else chooses to use alcohol, cigarettes etc. i find it amazing you can judge my character and assume i am addicted.
I didn't call anyone naive or ignorant for a belief in God, i called them naive for beleiving someone parted the Red Sea 40,000 years ago.
I eagerly await your apology (silence counts as an apology for me, because i am a limp wristed panzy.)
new-age nomad
on Feb 19, 2004
I realize I never really have a valid arguement to contribute in these situations, but I just want to say that you are loved Muggaz, and there's nothing you can do to change that. And, you'll realize it sooner or later --- I just hope it's sooner rather than later.
Sir Peter, What is your ultimate purpose in life? I believe that when we ask ourselves that question we end up looking outlandishly ignorant or we accept that there must be a God. Your choice.
on Feb 19, 2004
leave a piece of cheese out... i am sure it will develop mould, a living organism, all by its OWN!!! dont get into arguments regarding the creation of life, because simply, its something I dont understand, and YOU dont understand it either, so dont pretend you do.
Mold does not appear spontaneously.
In elementary school, we had a lab that debunked the theory that life can appear spontaneously by leaving out two jars of meat, with one left open and one sealed. Cheese kept from the mold spores that are everywhere would not develop mold.
I dont need drugs. I choose to use them - the same as anyone else chooses to use alcohol, cigarettes etc. i find it amazing you can judge my character and assume i am addicted.
Yet we can judge religious people as those that need religion to validate their life. Some might need it, as some need drugs to keep from killing themselves, but there's much more to many of their lives.
I didn't call anyone naive or ignorant for a belief in God, i called them naive for beleiving someone parted the Red Sea 40,000 years ago.
To believe that Moses parted the Red Sea 40,000 years ago might be ridiculous, but the belief that mold develops on cheese on its own isn't any less ridiculous. It's stuff taught in elementary school science.
One man
on Feb 19, 2004
Just food for thought...
If we were to look to the scientists to prove that the bible is wrong, you would find in the vast majority today that they believe it is true. They are finding the universe (meaning space, our planet and its atmoshphere, and humans) so vastly complex, but without the least bit of randomness. That means, we can explain what all this stuff is, but have no idea how it could have happened like it did. And it is obvious, in their eyes, that all these things are made very specifically and intentionally by design.
And for the Darwinians, I'd be curious to know of this mans past. Wouldn't it be interesting to find if he as a young person believed in God but due to certain events in his life he held a bitterness and resentment against God? That would imply quite a strong bias wouldn't it?
on Feb 19, 2004
Maybe in your elementry schools... all we did in Science was burn crap with bunsen burners, but obviosuly i should have paid attention when learning about cheese. Look - i dont care about cheese... So, i guess what you are saying is that God created the mould on the cheese right? i dont even need to bother with that point... i think i have allready expressed where i stand on that issue...
You are putting words into my mouth... i dont care what other people use to validate their lives, i only care what validates my life, and it isn't religion - quit your harping. maybe actually READ what i write before you react.
I leave cheese out all the time, and it develops mould on it... sorry for not being so pedantic as to seperate it from the mould spores... I dont think that is quite as rediculous as parting the red sea... but you obviously have some reason for comparing the two, so good luck with that.
on Feb 19, 2004
You are putting words into my mouth... i dont care what other people use to validate their lives, i only care what validates my life, and it isn't religion - quit your harping. maybe actually READ what i write before you react.
I never said religion was what you used to validate your life.
I leave cheese out all the time, and it develops mould on it... sorry for not being so pedantic as to seperate it from the mould spores... I dont think that is quite as rediculous as parting the red sea... but you obviously have some reason for comparing the two, so good luck with that.
Well, considering that children learn that life on food left out doesn't appear there spontaneously in elementary school, I think it is as ridiculous. Nobody can go back in time to see what really happened, but anybody can demonstrate the formation of mold on cheese. Of course, I know you don't want to be called naive for not knowing something as simple as this. Well, I think one's only naive for not knowing such things if they call others naive for having different religious beliefs (beliefs that can't be tested as mold can be).
on Feb 19, 2004
I think we need to change the topic to the great cheese debate. I am adding this to my things that make me laugh - Messy and Muggaz great cheese debate.
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