Pseudo-Intellectual musings by a pseudo-intellectual person.
PoetPhilosopher's Articles In Politics
February 15, 2004 by PoetPhilosopher
This is your brain on drugs. Seems quaint now doesn't it? Humorous. In 2003 the US spent $19 billion in the war on drugs, a stunning $600 a second. And for what? 1.6 million arrests, someone arrested every 20 seconds - 40% of which are for marijuana possesion. Not selling drugs, not traffiking, but POSSESION. $600 a second to arrest 650,000 people for smoking pot. What are we thinking??? Prohibition didn't work in the 1920s and it has not worked in the 30 years that we have wag...
February 9, 2004 by PoetPhilosopher
Someone recently said to me: My pacifism stops when someone declares war on me. She is apparently a pacifist only until the condition that actually calls for pacifism arises. She wants to know how we can protect ourselves if we don’t return violence for violence. She wants to know what we should do. No wonder she is at a loss. The human race has almost no experience with lasting peace or its strategies. Our default has always been war. When at risk, we want to destroy the enemy that has put u...